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How to prepare for a video consultation?

  • you can attach files with photos of the skin lesions (maximum 5). Acceptable file formats: .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .doc, .docx, .heic. Maximum file size: 15MB
  • when showing skin lesions, make sure that the light is good; direct the lesion towards the camera; also, please pay attention to the sharpness of the image
  • if the quality of the connection is poor, please don’t disconnect; continue the video consultation communicating by voice and the chat
  • in order for the video consultation to be possible, the Internet connection should meet the following criteria:
    360p (SD): 640 x 360 = 500 kbps 
    720p (HD): 1280 x 720 = 2500 kbps 
    2160p (4K): 3840 x 2160 = 10 Mbps

What moles require consulting a dermatologist?

All moles that are asymmetrical, have irregular shape or colour, have uneven or jagged edges, or are larger than 5 mm require medical consultation. An examination is also necessary if the mole starts to change its appearance – shape or size, starts itching or bleeding, or an ulcer appears on it.

How is fungal nail infection treated?

The treatment of fungal nail infection can last from 4–6 weeks to several months depending on the type of product used. The best results are achieved by combined therapy involving simultaneous local and general treatment. In exceptional cases, the treatment involves the removal of infected plates. If the changes do not occur on the entire nail, have appeared recently and spread to no more than two nails, over-the-counter products available from pharmacies can be used, such as the following:

  • • nail polish (Undofen, Oliprox, Ciclolack, Amorolak and Loceryl)
  • • serum or liquids (Scholl Fungal Nail and Mycosan)
  • • spray (Undofen and Nailner)

The duration of treatment depends on the type of product used and can last from 4 weeks to several months. In exceptional cases it may be necessary to remove the infected nail.

Can I treat fungal nail infection myself using over-the-counter drugs?

Home treatment can be effective if the changes do not occur on the entire nail, have appeared recently and have spread to no more than two nails. In this case, you can buy over-the-counter antifungal nail ointments, creams, gels or polish. Pharmacies also offer sets containing antifungal liquids, polish or serum and disposable nail files.

When is a mycology test for fungal nail infection necessary?

Fungal nail infection is diagnosed by a doctor during a visit by evaluating the appearance of the changes. During an e-visit, the doctor can diagnose fungal nail infection on the basis of a photo sent by the patient. Additional tests are only necessary if the treatment does not work. In such situations, the doctor recommends a mycology test and nail scrapings inoculation.

Can warts (viral warts) be treated with over-the-counter products?

Yes. If the warts are single and occur on the hands or feet, they can be safely removed without consulting a doctor. Appropriate over-the-counter products, such as Brodacid, Vericaust and Duofilm, are available from pharmacies.

When should the treatment of warts be consulted with a doctor?

If the treatment using over-the-counter products does not bring visible improvement within 6–8 weeks, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. An appointment with a doctor should also not be postponed if the wart is damaged or starts bleeding, or fluid comes out. The visit is also necessary when the wart starts to become bigger or when the warts are spread.