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Do I need to have a referral from my Medicover doctor for tests that are normally performed during pregnancy?

If your medical package includes the Pregnancy Programme, you don’t need a referral from your Medicover doctor to have your laboratory tests performed. All you need to do is to show your Pregnancy Card at the Medicover Centre blood collection facility.

You can make an appointment for a prenatal ultrasound by showing your Pregnancy Card at the reception desk of the Medicover Centre.

You will need a referral issued by a gynaecologist at the Centre if you want to make an appointment for a cervical smear test and PAPP-A test.

If your package does not include the Pregnancy Programme, your e-visit doctor or midwife may issue a referral for laboratory tests on the basis of a scan of your Pregnancy Card.

Only a doctor can issue an e-visit referral for ultrasound.

You will need a referral issued by a gynaecologist at Medicover Centre if you want to make an appointment for a cervical smear test and PAPP-A test.

Do I need to have a referral from a Medicover doctor for tests which I have been prescribed by a gynaecologist outside Medicover and which are not tests that are normally performed during pregnancy?

If you have a referral for such tests, make an appointment with a gynaecologist at Medicover Centre. Any tests beyond the Antenatal Care Standard should be authorised by a Medicover gynaecologist.

I’m pregnant and I have a cold. What medicines are safe for me to take?

For runny nose you can use over-the-counter nasal drops and aerosols based on saline or sea salt, e.g. Sterimar, Marimer, Disnemar or Tetrisal. If you have stuffy nose, you can use hypertonic products, e.g. Hypertonic Spray, Marimer Hypertonic Spray or Physiomer Hypertonic.

To soothe a sore throat, you can use Tantum Verde spray or gargling solutions: Tantum Verde, sage tea or Gargarin. You can also buy lozenges (Isla Mint, Isla Moos, Isla Cassis, Septolete or Laryng Up) or Glosal moisturising spray. Do not take lozenges containing thyme, Cholinex, Strepsils and Glimbax.

To bring down the fever, you can safely use products containing paracetamol, e.g. APAP or Efferalgan. Paracetamol also helps relieve muscle pain. It is important that the medicines do not contain any active substances other than paracetamol.

I’m breastfeeding and have a cold. What medicines are safe for me to take?

For runny nose you can use over-the-counter nasal drops and aerosols based on saline or sea salt, e.g. Sterimar, Marimer, Disnemar or Tetrisal. If you have stuffy nose, you can use hypertonic products, e.g. Hypertonic Spray, Marimer Hypertonic Spray or Physiomer Hypertonic.

To soothe a sore throat, you can use Tantum Verde spray or gargling solutions: Tantum Verde, sage tea or Gargarin. You can also buy lozenges (Isla Mint, Isla Moos, Isla Cassis, Septolete or Laryng Up) or Glosal moisturising spray. Do not take lozenges containing thyme, Cholinex, Strepsils and Glimbax.

To bring down the fever, you can safely use products containing paracetamol, e.g. APAP or Efferalgan. Paracetamol also helps relieve muscle pain. It is important that the medicines do not contain any active substances other than paracetamol.