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Can I use Medicover OnLine to check the service that my referral refers to?

Yes, you can. After logging in to the Medicover OnLine Patient Portal, you can view your referrals and check their validity date. You can also check the referral status (i.e. see whether the referral has already been used or not) and access information on how to prepare for particular examinations.

For external referrals, you can also check the centres where you can receive the service.

How to print test results from Medicover OnLine?

After logging in to Medicover OnLine, select “My Health” >> “Test results” and look for the specific examination. After selecting “Details”, you can export test results together with the doctor’s description and print them if needed – “Export tests to PDF”. Sensitive data tests such as Wassermann or HIV tests do not appear in Medicover OnLine.

Can I check all my test results in Medicover OnLine?

Yes. If the tests were performed at Medicover Centres, you will see them in your profile.

If you had your X-ray at a Medicover Centre, you will only see a description of it in Medicover OnLine.

How can I order my medical records?

If you need your medical records, download them online in an electronic version. The downloaded records provided on a secure electronic data storage device are deemed to be true copies of the original records and should be accepted by most medical facilities, including hospitals. Before you are admitted to hospital, however, make sure in what form you have to provide your medical records.

If you need hard copies of your medical records, order and collect them in person at a Medicover Centre. Do not print out the records you have downloaded yourself, because they will no longer be deemed to be true copies of the original records.

To download your medical records, log in to the full version of Medicover OnLine and:

  • select “My Health” in the menu and then “Medical records”;
  • select the records you want to order or download – test results or consultations;
  • tick the box next to the results or consultations you want to order;
  • select “Download” or “Collect at a Medicover Centre” in the bottom right-hand corner;
  • complete the required fields and click “Order”.
  • We will inform you as soon as your records are ready to be collected at the selected Centre.

The maximum number of documents you can download is 10.